Monday, May 14, 2012

4 X 4 Carros

Now before I get into the title topic of this post, I must introduce you to some friends I made on the weekend Not the ones pictured above; they had a little more life to them.  My Abuelita insisted I follow her into the shed (which actually acts as a more basic kitchen then the one inside the house) with my camera.  I was greeted by six of these ¨chonchos¨, all lathered up in their garlic tanning oil ready for the tanning bed!  They were a commission for my Abuelita, for a wedding the following day.  She saved a bit for us, and it was absolutely delicious- like the Ecuadorian version of pulled pork... can´t go wrong there!  My apologies if you are vegetarian or sqeamish.  At least they were raised and slaughtered humanely...

It almost looks like this guy is smiling.

Below is the inferno tanning bed... 

Now to the more... kosher part.  Sunday was an interesting day in the Ecuadorian life.  My family told me that we were going to Tumbaco, for the ¨4 á 4 carros¨,  translating to 4 X 4 cars.  I was slightly confused; the first thing that came to my mind was a motor-cross type of setting, and my instincts were right.  Firstly, it just doens´t seem like a typical Ecuadorian activity to take the family to muddy car races.  Also, my family really just doesn´t seem the type to enjoy that type of thing.  Nevertheless, we headed to Tumbaco by bus with the neighbours.  Enjoy some pictures of the race.

The racers almost look alien with their equipment caked in mud.  Perhaps an ode to Star Wars day on Friday! But maybe not, you never know. :)

When we got there, the cars were already in the midst of a race.  There were food stands greeting and tempting as as we entered the race track.  Crowds of people gathered to watch the little cars zoom through the muddy tracks, trying to gain time on each other.  As cars attempted to pass, the spectators often got splashed with a heavy does of muddy water, though it did not seem to faze them.  It was almost as though people came just to get a free exfoliation!
I still don´t quite comprehend why these people were satisfied with their viewing position...

You can´t help but smile when you see an Ecuadorian kid :)

Recuperating after a big splash.

Enjoying some watermelon with their dirt.

These guys told me I needed to get muddy so that I could be more ¨moreana¨, or brown.  
Maybe they are right.

The races were interesting, for sure.  I could not believe how into some people got.  Some were standing on the track, just inches away from the passing cars as they sped past.  When the cars finished, the drivers came out as chocolate men, though I would not suggest a lick.  The firemen were equipped with a high pressure hose to rinse them all off after, or as a precaution in case one of the cars set on fire.  All of the cars had to be completed with large water bottles in order to dump on the engines when they became overheated.
The champs after the race.  

Just a small piece of the crowd.

This guy´s engine was steaming and shooting water all over the place.

Towing the car after the race.

The ¨bomberos¨or firemen.

A couple of nice views from the track.  Maybe a little more aesthetic than the main event. 

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